Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Secret Of Being One

Our ordinary perception of “reality” has always been characterized by duality.We always have two different experiences,like pleasure and pain…we have likes and dislikes…we always differentiate ourselves from others like “me” and “you”…”me” and “others”…”you” and “them”.There is no unity in our life…no real lasting happiness.No matter how much money we have…no matter how many sexual partners we have…no matter how successful we are in our family,work,sports activities,etc. there is still this sense of loneliness…sometimes, tragically of suicidal thoughts.This is caused by the two opposing forces within our being.The one pole of these forces correspond to the top of the head and the other on the base of the spine.Actually,our physical body and all aspects of our being are the product of the interactions of these two cosmic forces within us.Everyone of us humans and also other living beings are just the manifestations of these life-giving cosmic forces.These forces are the origin of Life itself.The cosmic interaction of the two makes us alive.The male and female of it’s species interact to perpetuate it’s own kind.The oxygen we breath…the food we eat are necessary processes to make this two cosmic forces to continue it’s interaction.

Now,it’s a different story if we manage to discover and figure out how to reunite these two opposing bio-cosmic forces within us.Unless we recognize this tension of Life…unless we reunite these two,we are still blind to the Truth…we are still living in illusion we blindly called “reality”….we don’t know the difference between the real and the unreal.The two hemispheres of our brain namely,the left and right lobes well then function into one synchronize whole the moment we successfully trigger the reunification of these two bio-cosmic forces within our being.

Religious,spiritual and esoteric traditions around the world uniquely symbolized these two universal forces within us all.The Father and The Holy Spirit/The Mother…The Lamb and the Bride….Allah and Sakina…Ein Sof/Yahweh/Jehovah and Shekhinah…Shiva and Kundalini…The Ying and Yang…The Prince and the Sleeping Beauty.These are all abstract…symbolic terms for the two cosmic/universal forces within everyone of us humans that have to be reunited in order that creation will be again consciously experience.

The reunification of these two opposing cosmic…universal forces in our being will result in a kind of chain reaction of a sort of biologically controlled nuclear fusion.Our physical body will not disintegrate,vaporize or disappear into oblivion when we finally awaken the feminine aspects of cosmic force within us namely, the kundalini…holy spirit…mukalinda…shekhinah or sakina.The rare incidents of spontaneous human combustion or SHC in the general population and the rainbow body of a few holy persons or saints are just few of the manifestations of these biological cosmic forces within us all.Sexual orgasm is nothing but a temporary…split of seconds reunion of our cosmic selves.There is no satisfaction on just a few moments of bliss.Instead,we should find the source of all bliss.

There is nothing to be afraid of.The cosmic reunion will result in our wholeness of our being…our whole life will be filled with bliss…ecstacy…joy….wisdom…health…serenity...tranquility and peace profound every moment of our life.The significance of this cosmic “reunification” or “religion” in our being cannot be denied.It is predicted and has been promised by Moses,Buddha,Lao-Tzu,Jesus,Mohamaad and many other spiritual leaders that someday humanity as a whole will experience their cosmic reunion…mystical reunion with the Divine…the Creator…the Source of All.Everyone will experience nirvana…samadhi…satori.Everyone will be called the anointed ones…the enlightened ones or the awakened ones…Everyone will have Christ or Buddhic consciousness.At last,everyone will be happy and peaceful forever and ever.

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