Sunday, September 13, 2009

Survival:The Esoteric Way

The alarming and threatening viruses that are getting stronger and tougher now than ever before are posing a great danger to all humanity.In order to survive,humanity must take a great step of the evolutionary ladder.We must optimize and strenghten our immune system…we must undergo an accelerated mutation…an upgrading of our biological system by activating our latent/potential limitless reserved of bio-cosmic energy/force which is located at the base of our spine.

This still mysterious universal/cosmic energy within us all are called in many names in all countries/cultures/traditions around the world for thousands of years.It is called kundalini in Yoga/Hinduism….Mukalinda in Buddhism…Shekhinah in Kabbalah/Judaism…Sakini in Islam/Sufism…Tao in Taoism….and Holy Spirit or Presence of God in Christianity.It is the same whatever name,language or term the ancients called It.This feminine aspect of God/Creator/Great Architect/Father/Universal Cosmic Intelligence are also called the Great Mother/Goddess/Bride of the Lamb/Mystical Woman.It is She who will preserve humanity by the sheer power of Her motherly loving force.

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