Sunday, September 13, 2009

Forever Happy and Enlightened

As very intelligent beings,we humans have the capability and potential to experience the most wonderful…blissful and enlightening experience in our whole life.Many curious minds may ask “How is this cosmic…divine experience brought about in the first place? Many of us have the common idea and expectations that by having or experiencing the following: big…fat bank accounts,hot…flashy sports car,exciting casual sex,expensive tasty foods,psychedelic drugs,intoxicating alcoholic drinks,smoking the finest cigars,playing extreme sports or haging out in the bars,pubs and casinos will bring us endless happiness.Despite all these seemingly endless worldly happiness we still couldn’t understand why we’re still unhappy and unsatisfied with our overall life.We know deep within that there is something missing in our life.We usually think that maybe our loneliness can be cured by indulging more on these worldly pastime and diversions.It seems we’re running in an endless circle…we don’t know the way out of these state of unhappiness in our life.Our minds are getting more attach on these temporary things which consequently bring more sufferings as we falsely believe that we will “finally” be happy.

If we made a extensive research and study in our history,we will find that the most happiest and enlightened people are those who meditate,contemplate or pray.Those people who are meditative,contemplative or prayerful are called saints,mystics,sages,prophets,wisemen,yogis/yoginis,sons or daughters of God or spiritual teacher,master,guru or guide in their lifetime or after leaving this physical world.They will be found in all countries and in all different kinds of religious traditions.Some of us modern humans may proudly say “So what’s in it for me? I don’t care about spirituality,religion,mysticism,holy persons and all that damn “otherworldly” stuff.I’m a practical person.My parents,friends and teachers and bosses told me that I’ll be damn happy just by graduating in a reputable…exclusive school,having a professional job,sports interests,perfect mate and a family of my own”.
Now,if we closely observe our human nature we will find that it is just a “mental programming”.It is unfortunate that our parents,friends,teachers and company bosses are also mentally programmed themselves by their own parents,friends,teachers and bosses about the concept and ideal of attaining happiness.We must face the reality that our love ones didn’t know everything.They didn’t know the answer to our big questions in life,specially regarding happiness and enlightenment and how and where to find and attain these essential qualities in our life.

As we realize the futility of our search for permament happiness in our pastimes and diversions,we might finally ask the next important questions “How to meditate or pray effectively?” “Is it by closing our eyes…sitting in a yogic posture or in a knelling or prostrated position and imagine or visualize things about happiness?” No,it is not.We can be meditative,contemplative or prayerful even in any posture or position…with open or close eyes.Meditation,contemplation or prayer is an “art”.Like other arts,we have to study and master it’s techniques to be effective warriors of meditation,contemplation or prayer.
Many of you may not believe that meditation,contemplation or prayer is also a “science”.It is subjectively verifiable and repetable scientific methods to harness and master our physical and subtle body’s electrical…quantum energies at the advance stage of practicing meditation,contemplation or prayer.In the advance level of spiritual development,the dormant…sleeping bio-cosmic force in the coccyx…at the base of our spine will be activated and release in order for us to possess a new…higher consciousness or mind that is not apparent in our ordinary waking consciousness or mind.This new…higher consciousness is vastly different from our day to day ordinary waking consciousness we used to have or possessed.This new…higher state or quality of consciousness are variously called in the the ancients as being “born again” by Jesus Christ or “enlightenement” by Gautama Buddha.This extraordinary new found consciousness is also accompanied by a blissful….joyful…happy state of being.
Some may protest and say “It is impossible”…”It must be a fiction”…”You may be dreaming,imagining,visualizing,hallucinating or worse,you’re experiencing a psychoses or schizophrenia”.Since 1993,I’ve personally verified and repeated what the ancients told us about this possibility of manifesting and possessing new…higher… blissful… enlightened consciousness.

In the Gospel of Matthew 5:3-12…Jesus Christ said:
Blessed are those who are spiritually needy.The kingdom of heaven belongs to them.Blessed are those who are sad.They will be comforted.Blessed are those who are free of pride.They will be given the earth.Blessed are those who are hungry and thirsty for what is right.They will be filled.Blessed are those who show mercy.They will be shown mercy.Blessed are those whose hearts are pure.They will see God.Blessed are those who make peace.They will be called sons of God.Blessed are those who suffer for doing what is right.The kingdom of heaven belongs to them.Blessed are you when people make fun of you and hurt you because of me. You are also blessed when they tell all kinds of evil lies about you because of me.Be joyful and glad. Your reward in heaven is great. In the same way, people hurt the prophets who lived long ago.

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