Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Power Within You

Don’t you know that we are “energy”? Don’t you know that we are “spirit”? Don’t you know that we are not “a piece of meat”.The ancient scientists called it spirit while the modern called it energy.It is the same thing…the same indestructible,invincible stuff we’re made of.The more we manifest our spirit or energy harmoniously…the more we are powerful,happy,healthy,loving,vibrant,optimistic,vigorous,wise and enlightened.
Most of us have the superficial philosophy of life that says “To see is to believe”.Well common sense tell us that this philosophy is not applicable to subtle things,like for example the air we breath.We couldn’t see air but we know it exist.This philosophy then is partially true.It is much better then to profoundly say “To see,hear and feel is to believe”,right? Now,we know that air can only be “felt” by it’s blows on our hair and skin surface.The same thing with electricity.

We couldn’t see electricity flowing in a live electric wire around our houses,cars,electrical cables,etc.But we can “feel” electricity when we accidentally touch an open live wire.The lightning we “see” during the thunderstorm and the spark in two opposite live electrical wires made by it’s contact is light manifested by electricity or electrical power/force/energy.It is not the electricity itself which is invincible to the naked eyes.And the thunder we “hear” during a thunderstorm and the crackling of the sparks in two contacted live wires is the sound manifested by electricity.

Well,it is the same with our spirit,energy or force.We see,hear and feel the activated…awakened kundalini/mukalinda/shekhinah/sakina/holy spirit/chi/ki at the coccyx…in the base of our spine.Our spirit or energy behaves like electricity in our body.It manifested light and sound inside our body and can also be felt when it collided with other sub-atomic energies within our physical body.Our physical body can produce,store,conduct and transmit electricity (bio-electricity)

We can also absorb other raw or subtle energy sources from the sun and other cosmic energies through our seven major energy centers and then refined,recycled and then stored for future use.We can transmit and send energy with the help of our brain.The brain is like a control and regulator system of energies going in and out of our physical bodies.With a proper mind training,we can concentrate,focus and send energy anywhere.Bio-energy is not bound by time and space.Even a Farady cage or shield,concrete bunker deep in the mountains,caves or deep in the ocean can be penetrated by our bio-energy…spirit or force.

Nothing can stop our bio-energies from being transmitted or send.Our bio-energy or bio-electricity can be programmed to by ourselves to send blessings….healing and loving kind of energy or worse we can also send negative energy for cursing…hurting and killing.Everything is neutral.Bio-energy is like a kitchen knife.It can cut our vegetables and fruits but it can also be wrongly use for hurting and killing living beings like humans and animals.

So we need to apply love and wisdom when it comes to using our perpetual…neverending bio-energy supply properly to avoid the path to evil uses of this neutral formidable force within us all.We should have pure motives in our long journey to spiritual evolution.If our motives is revenge,then we can wreak havoc…do a lot of damage to our fellow human beings and also to animals,plants and even the whole world itself.Before imbarking for a spiritual initiation,we must learn to control ourself…we must learn to control our lower emotions like anger,hate,greed,jealousy,envy and lust for power before finally activating our kundalini,mukalinda,shekhinah,sakina,holy spirit,chi or ki.

This is why I don’t openly teach and divulge the secrets on how to safely awaken/activate the bio-energy located in our coccyx.I am following the timeless…ancient rules of all spiritual masters like Moses,Shiva,Buddha,Lao-Tzu,Jesus, Mohammad and many other masters of wisdom,guardians and keepers of the most secret power of humankind.I only share this special God-given gift of spiritual initiation to a few good…law-abiding persons who prove to themselves that they will not abuse the power that wil be accesible to them after the spiritual initiation.There is an oath-taking that have to be uphold during the entire life of a spiritual aspirant.He/She should only use the power which is the activated kundalini/mukalinda/shekhinah/sakina/holy spirit/chi for the good of all humankind and animals alike.

May the mercy and love of God be with us all.Peace be upon us all forever!

1 comment:

  1. A lot of love (to share with everyone)
    and inner warmthe for you,
