Thursday, October 27, 2011

Why the past Spiritual Masters did not teach openly about awakening the dormant Life Force within everyone

Many wonder why Moses,Zoroaster,Krishna,Shiva,Buddha,Lao-Tzu,Jesus,Mohammad,Guru Nanak,Rumi and many other sages,mystics,saints,yogis did not teach openly to the public on how to awaken the dormant Life Force within everyone।This mysterious divine Force (variously called Kundalini in Yoga/Hinduism,Mukalinda/Fire Element in Buddhism,Shekhninah in Kaballah/Judaism,Sakina in Sufism/Islam,Yang Chi in Taoism,Holy Spirit in Christianity/Gnostism and Secret Fire in Alchemy) within the coccyx and the method/technique to awaken it are indeed the most guarded secret in history.

Spiritual masters knew what they are doing।They teach only this highly esoteric technique to those who are qualified and ready.They are very wise and knew the dangers of the misuse of divine powers in the wrong hands.

It is well known that those who successfully awaken this divine power within will transformed...change completely his/her state of consciousness/being।He/she will experience heavenly bliss,perfect health,peace of mind,superhuman powers and many levels of enlightenment as the Lifeforce awaken one by one the seven major chakras or vortexes of energy along his/her the spine and the head.It is also known that mastery of this awakened LifeForce will make it possible for the transformed human being into an immortal (rainbow body,golden body/diamond body or light body)

You can read all the books in the world today,surf the Internet but still you could not find the method/technique on how to awaken this power within you।Yes,there are ancient books,documents and texts like the Bible,Gnostic,Alchemy,Bhagavad Gita,Vedas,Quran,Haddiths,Upanishads,Pali Canon,Adi Granth,Tao Te Ching,I Ching that contain the secret technique on how to awaken or unleash this wonderful Force within you.But unfortunately,if you are not an initiate you could not understand it's symbology.

To decipher or decode it's obcure symbols,you have to spent many years of extensive research ( and also meditation,like what I did) of these ancient books or documents।

Jesus did indeed taught about it's techniques but only to his 12 Apotles and other close diciples.Same with Moses,Mohammad and other spiritual masters.Even Buddha did not teach all that he knew. On one occasion while the Buddha was passing through a forest he took a handful of leaves and said:

"Bhikkhus, what I have taught is comparable to the leaves in my hand. What I have not taught is comparable to the amount of leaves in the forest."

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