Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Know Thyself : Deprogramming Ourselves From The System

In our ordinary human waking consciousness,we are constantly assailed with decisions and choices... "do this or "do that"...."stay here" or "go over there"..."this way" or that way.Our ordinary mind/consciousness are dualistic in nature....and it is universally programmed.Because of this dualism of our programmed ordinary mind/consciousness,we are seemingly helpless in running around a perpetual circle of artificial reality.

If we look around,we see patterns of this universal programming.All viruses,bacteria,plants and animals,including us humans (and even extraterrestrial beings) are constantly programmed to reproduce...perpetuate it's own species...it's own kind.Everything is in constant change...in constant interaction just like what happen in subatomic world.

As part of this universal...Cosmic System,everything from quantum interactions....to human interactions are all part of the Cosmic System.Our human decisions and choices....our free will are all part of this Cosmic System.

But there is a way out of this Cosmic System....this Universal Programmed.This way...or path were already discovered and rediscovered again and again in all human (and non-human) history.Those who discovered it are variously called gods,sages,saviors,saints,prophets,spiritual masters/guru/teacher/guide.

In the subtle level of our human biological systems,there are seven major vortices of energy-consciosness which correspond along the spine and the head.These seven major vortices of energy-consciousness acts like biological switches.Basically,because of our being programmed,these switches are always closed....partially open only sufficient to keep us alive/function normally on this physical plane of existence/dimension.

Quite rarely,this normal programmed function of our switches of vortices of energy-consciousness can be accidentally or intentionally made open permanently through some highly esoteric methods or techniques of special meditation/prayer.When this happen,an ordinarily programmed person or being can be called "Awakened","Enlightened" or " Anointed".

Moses,Krishna,Shiva,Buddha,Lao-Tzu,Jesus,Mohammed,Guru Nanak are some of the examples of people who got away from the Cosmic System.Almost all of these "cosmically awakened" people are so different in their level of consciousness.They have reached the heights of universal...unitive cosmic consciousness that most ordinary programmed humans could not understand.So most of these "cosmically awakened" people are being ostracized,turtured or murdered from their present generations. Humans (and other beings too) are programmed to fear the unknown....so they unconciously give in to the compulsion to kill or eliminate those who they didn't understand from their narrow....limited point of view.

At this level of cosmic...divine consciousness,everything is clear....everything will be perceive in a unitive...universal....all-embracing...non-dualistic point of view.Every action....every word are then in accord of the grand purpose of God....the Creator/Architect of all things.

Also,that this level of higher cosmic consciousness ( which can be called a higher state of being),the weaknesses of mind and body of a programmed human are gone.It is replace with a stree-free....non-tension state of mind/consciousness.On this tranquility and peaceful state of mind/consciousness comes real... permanent happiness and joy.

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