Friday, May 7, 2010

Heaven Is A Higher State Of Being

The concept of "heaven","paradise" or "kingdom of God" is actually a higher...extremely subtle "state of consciousness or energy".We humans have the capability to experience this otherworldly dimension or plane of existence right "here"....right "now".Heaven or paradise is not out there is not a place like a mountain or an island.Indeed,it's a higher state of being.

Jesus realized and lives on this "higher state of being" during (and after His physical lifetime) His ministry.

Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you." ~ Luke 17:20-21

It is extremely difficult indeed for most people to understand the concept of "heaven","paradise" or "higher state of being" because it is outside the boundary of our ordinary waking state of consciousness.

In Buddhism,this higher state of being devoid of suffering in all levels of existence is called as "Pureland" which correspond to the Judaism,Christianity and Islam concept of "Heaven","Paradise" or Kingdom of God".On this higher state of being,an anointed,awakened,enlightened or self-realized person experience only happiness and bliss even during his or her present lifetime and beyond.No one can take away from you this blissful....happy higher state of being,not unlike the wealth or material things which could be rob, rust and destroyed.

This higher state of being is called "divine" ,"holy" or "sacred" because the perspective or point of view and awareness/mind at this higher state is at it's purest.The new awareness,mind or consciousness is so blissful,tranquil and peaceful without the sufferings or weaknesses like fear,anxiety,tension or stress.

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