Monday, March 15, 2010

The Secret Teachings Of All Spiritual Masters

Spiritual Masters,also called Prophets,Sages,Mystics and Saints have for generation to generation shared and taught their spiritual experiences and realization...the "inner/esoteric" oral teachings only to their most closest followers/disciples/pupils/students/companions.The rest of the masses,whether rich or poor are only given the "outer" teachings,that is,the holy scriptures (Bible,Zen Avesta,Bhagavad Gita,Pali Canon,Koran,Adi Granth,etc).

Now,this is very hard to understand and swallow to most people of why there are two kinds of teachings.The worldwide ignorance of the secret teachings of all spiritual masters even to this modern era are indeed puzzling to most people.Even the priests,ministers,pastors,rabbis,imams and theologians preaching regularly sermons in the churches,temples,mosques and chapels did not even know the existence of these "oral/inner/esoteric" teachings nor practice it's technology which their respective founders (Moses,Krishna,Shiva,Buddha,Lao-Tzu,Jesus,Mohammad and Guru Nanak ) are so familiar with.

This technology can be practice in any body positions,that is,kneeling,prostrating,squating,lying or standing or a combination of all these positions.The important thing is the safe activation/awakening of your universal light/force....the spark of God at the base of your spine/tailbone/coccyx.Most people...the masses,whether rich,poor,famous,talented or intelligent have the mistaken belief that by hearing the regular sermons in the church,temple or mosque....praising songs to the Creator/God and reading...memorizing the scriptures they got salvation/redemption/deliverance from sufferings of this material world and beyond.

Indeed,very few understand the profoundness of the secret/esoteric teachings of all spiritual masters.The attachment of what is "ancient"..."old" outer scriptural teachings and abhoring/hating what is seemingly "new"..."modern" spiritual teachings of modern genuine spiritual masters is one of the factors why people remain ignorant of this secret teachings.Truly,there is nothing new under the sun.All the secret teachings of all major religious founders are the same,whether in the the present and in the future.

The other factors that contributed to this worldwide ignorance of the Truth....the secret technology on how to activate/awaken/uplift this divine power within every man and woman is that as a whole humankind is very busy eating,drinking,mating,working, busy with their personal habits and family.As if there is no longer a time to learn and practice the timeless technology of union with the Creator/God/Father.This is why some spiritual masters like Buddha and Jesus commanded their would be disciples/followers to renounce everything that is,work and family to devote their whole time in practicing the esoteric techniques they know well.

Yes,it is quite distracting if we live a normal life (studying,working and having a family) at the same time practicing fervently...intensely the timeless secret techniques taught by all the spiritual masters to experience enlightenment,peace,excellent health,bliss/happiness.Because of the fast...complicated modern living,I highly recommend that those who wanted to practice the techniques are advised to practice it only in their own their own time.You could practice it in your free your off your school or work vacation.Set aside time to practice.Give yourself a solitary space to go within yourself.Do not forget that the kingdom of God is within you.

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