Monday, March 8, 2010

What is "Orbs"? Is it dust,spirits,ghosts,angels,aliens,light beings,balls of energy,jinns or devas?

These "Orb" energy/spirit activities...manifestation in the third floor/rooftop of our house during and after the workshop were obserbed first on the evening of 27th of February 2010,my first conduction of the workshop titled "Effective Techniques On How To Safely Awaken The Universal Light Within You" which were organized by the international spiritual group I've founded "Universal Light for Enlightenment,Peace and Happiness" this year 2010.Me,my family,relatives,friends and neighbors first encountered these "spheres" on February 27,2010 until the present.

Many paranormal and psychic researchers also called these fast hovering/flying things as "Globule" ( Ufologists called it UFOs) that could be captured by digital (even cellphone cameras without flash capability) and non-digital cameras.
The ancients called it angels (Judaism,Christianity and Islam),jinns (Islam ) or devas (Hinduism and Buddhism ). (Exodus 3:1-5;Matthew 4:1-11;Matthew 22:29-30;Acts of Apostles 2:14;Revelation 5:11-13 ) It is said that Orbs are usually seen on the abbys,churches and ancient sites.

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