Monday, November 2, 2009

The Ultimate Spiritual Journey

Our real spiritual journey cannot be completed just by our seemingly endless reading,studying,memorizing,translating,quoting,discussing,debating or lecturing our favorite spiritual/religious/esoteric books.Even chanting,singing and dancing to praise our Creator does not guarantee that we will be save from pain and sufferings in this temporal world.Real salvation and ultimately union with our Creator…the source of all things demand much from us than just our intellectual pursuit and sentimentalism.Indeed,our mental and emotional activities which we imagine to be “spiritual” or “religious” are not enough to unravel the mysteries of our Creator and His wonderful creations.

Since our God…the Creator resides in the most subtlest dimension or spiritual region,we need a special medium…a bridge…a connecting link that will allow us to unravel and understand our Creator’s glorious design and grand plan.Our ordinary mind,awareness or consciousness cannot possibly understand such higher dimension or spiritual region,so what we need to do is find the special means to get a higher mind…a higher awareness or a higher consciousness to get us finally connected with our Creator.Almost all of us will agree that if a God…a Creator exist,then He must be an All-powerful intelligent Force of the universe.His power must be pervading all creations…that is,plants,viruses,bacteria,insects,animals,humans (even extra-terrestial life forms),moons,planets,stars,galaxies and all other material manifestations,living and non-living things.If the Creator’s force..power or energy is pervading all across the known (and unknown) universe,then we could surmise that we humans ( and other living creatures) have a spark of our Creator within us…in our subtlest bodily forms.

If,in any way possible spontaneously or consciously ( by some secret… mysterious means,technology or methods) for a human being to experience and encounter this spark of God on his/her subtlest body (which is dormant for millions of years since the beginning of life here on planet Earth) will experience profound transformation in his/her ordinary mind,awareness or consciousness.He/She will never be the same again because his/ her energy or force will be of a higher form than his/her ordinary fellow humans.Those transformed humans will undergo a gradual process of awakening their potentialities (subtle/spiritual powers) in the seven major energy centers of their subtlest bodies.These gradual process of biological transformations will eventually open a new point of view..a new vista that will allow the transformed human to understand intuitively the subtle laws of Nature and his/her ultimate destiny.He/She will also be continuously happy…heavenly blissful and healthy by a kind of by-products (water of life,nectar,ambrosia or soma) flowing perpetually from the spark of God variously called in major religions as Kundalini,Mukalinda,Shekhinah,Sakina,Holy Spirit,Presence of God or Tao in their coccyx…at the base of their spine.

Our ultimate spiritual journey then begins when this spark of our Creator is awakened…activated so that we will manifest gradually all the God-giving potentials which are our birthright to be called as the Anointed Ones…the Awakened Ones…or the Enlightened Ones.

May all be awakened from our deep spiritual slumber.Peace & blessings be upon us all.

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