Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Best & Ideal Food For All

Eating is one of our basic necessities to live besides drinking water and breathing on air. As we humans gradually evolved and become civilized,we began to study and conduct scientific observation and experiments about the foods we eat and it’s effects on our physical bodies.Eating animals and animal products shows a high incidence of cancers and heart diseases on meat-eaters.

For those of us who didn’t read the ingredients of the food items we bought from the supermarkets and grocery stores might be surprise to discover that dangerous preservative chemicals like sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite are used to preserved cured meat and meat products including corned beef,bacon,ham,sausages,beef loaf,frankfurters,salami and fish.

Therefore,the best & ideal food for us modern humans to live and enjoy a healthy life is a vegetarian or vegan foods.This beautiful planet Earth have a huge space to plant nutritious and wholesome grains like rice,wheat,rye and oats,beans,nuts,potatoes,fruits and vegetables that are enough to supply all our basic human biological systems.

The arguments of some philosophers and religious leaders who advocated and teach that eating meat is good and ordained by God is no longer valid in this scientific modern age.In order to survive healthily and therefore happily,we have to stick to the truth.We have to adjust and adapt to a modern eating lifestyle that is really be called civilized…peaceful and non-violent.

Those of us who think that humans are the only living creature that have souls are greatly mistaken and deluded.Animals,just like us humans also eat,drink,breath,sleep,having sex,have children,needs enough space,feels pain and bleed with blood when cut.It is really uncilivized…barbaric..unspiritual to eat our own fellow living creatures for food.

Lets give animals total freedom…lets give them the right to live free from fear of being slaughtered for human consumption and also freedom from being skin alive for the sake of fashion and vanity.They also are living creatures that needs love and care from us humans.It is our duty to protect them like the way we protect ourselves…our family and friends from harm and sufferings.

Be compassionate…be good,kind and caring to all humans and animals alike.

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