Sunday, September 13, 2009

Truth is not for sale

Truth is not for sale.Unfortunately, Truth also cannot be told nor written in any form.Truth can only be experience within oneself.Those who are living and already discovered Truth can only guide others to it’s timeless Way.Those who discovered the Truth can be a carpenter…a sherpherd…a prince…a taxi driver…or a janitor.At any moment…any minute…any hour…any day…any week…any month…any year…any century…from past to the present…anybody can discover the timeless Way to the Truth.Truth cannot be hidden…nor box in.It cannot be an exclusive property of a religious organization.Nobody…no religion can monopolize or have an exclusive possession or control of the Truth.Everybody…man..woman…the young and the old can have direct access to the Truth and be transformed…mutated..upgraded in all aspects of their being.What everybody needs is the keys to unlock the door of everlasting life.Truth is forever discovered and rediscovered..again and again.

It is everybody’s responsibility to save themselves from ignorance,suffering and unhappiness.No one will save you except yourself.No one will enlighten you to the Truth except yourself.Because to experience Truth is both saving and enlightening yourself.Therefore,strive to find the keys to the Truth.There are many religious/ spiritual/esoteric books that can give you some clues to the timeless Way.But religious/spiritual/esoter..ic books are symbols,they are meant to motivate us…to inspire us…to give us hints and clues to the timeless Way of the Truth.We should not attach or cling ourselves to symbols.Symbols could not replace the profoundness…beauty and splendor of the Truth.

To experience Truth is to save yourself.To experience Truth is to enlightened yourself.To experience Truth is like living in heaven and paradise…a new consciousness of infinite happiness…ecstacy and joy.Indeed,a new you…a new consciousness with infinite compassion…love…wisdom.. and health.

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