Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Essence of Islam: Esoteric Teachings Of Prophet Muhammad

For thousands of years,we humans have tried our best to understand the unseen…the unfathomable…the unknown awesome territory called religion.There have never been a topic that fascinated humankind other than religion.The religious,mystics,agnostics and atheists alike…we are all awed by the mysteriousness of the universe and it’s unknown invincible forces.Some of the secrets of Nature had already been discovered by our modern scientists like electromagnetism,nuclear fission and fusion,superconductivity,the laws of thermodynamics and gravity and the ongoing cloning and stem cells research.But still,Nature is very elusive when it comes to revealing Her ultimate secret…the secret source of Life itself.

Our modern medical scientists have made an extensive research on Life by dissecting the dead physical bodies of insects,animals and humans to examine and study it’s structure and properties.But all these useful medical endeavors are solely confined to the physical plane of existence.We don’t really know yet what lies beneath the surface of blood,tissues and bones.We don’t know yet of the subtle forces that composed a living being which we couldn’t see,hear,smell or touch.We don’t know yet what subtle forces that marvelously designed all living beings.Modern scientists observed harmony and order in all living systems.But the big question still remain unanswered…What profound intelligent force have designed all these living systems? In all my humble writings ,i.e. notes or blogs,I ‘ve always emphasized the universality of Truth…Wisdom and Light.

There is no major religion in this world that have no Truth in it.Judaism,Hinduism,Buddhism,Taoism,Christianity and Islam.All these great religions had expounded the timeless unchanging Truth in their own respective spiritual/religious books.Some portion of the Truth had been for centuries hidden or still could not be understood by the masses because of the Truth’s profoundness.Now,we will study the esoteric wisdom of Muhammad,the Prophet of Islam. While many of you may be quite familiar with the Yogic concept of “Kundalini”…the coiled biocosmic energy in the coccyx…at the base of the spine.Very few persons,even Muslims inform about Prophet Muhammad’s wisdom regarding the very significance of this small triangular bone at the base of the spine called coccyx.In Haddith books (the oral traditon of the Islamic Prophet Mohammad),

Sahih Bukhar,Volume 6, Book 60, Number 338:Narrated by Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, “Between the two blowing of the trumpet there will be forty.” The people said, “O Abu Huraira! Forty days?” I refused to reply. They said, “Forty years?” I refused to reply and added: Everything of the human body will decay except the “coccyx bone (of the tail)” and from that bone Allah will reconstruct the whole body.

And In Sahih Bukhari,Volume 6, Book 60, Number 457:Narrated by Al–Amash:
Abu Huraira said, “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Between the two sounds of the trumpet, there will be forty.” Somebody asked Abu Huraira, “Forty days?” But he refused to reply. Then he asked, “Forty months?” He refused to reply. Then he asked, “Forty years?” Again, he refused to reply. Abu Huraira added. “Then (after this period) Allah will send water from the sky and then the dead bodies will grow like vegetation grows, There is nothing of the human body that does not decay except one bone; that is the “little bone at the end of the coccyx” of which the human body will be recreated on the Day of Resurrection.”

And lastly in Malik’s Muwatta,Book 16, Number 16.16.49:
Yahya related to me from Malik from Abu’z Zinad from al-Araj from Abu Hurayra that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “The earth eats all of the son of Adam except the “coccyx”. He was created from it, and on it he is built.”
We could clearly read on these lines that Prophet Muhammad know very well about “Kundalini” or in the Quran, “Sakina”….Tranquility, Inner Peace or Stillness.Surah 48:4;48:18 and 9:40
In Quran,Surah 48:26 we could read:

When those who disbelieved had put into their hearts chauvinism-the chauvinism of the time of ignorance.But Allah sent down His “Sakina” upon His Messenger and upon the believers and imposed upon them the word of righteousness,and they were more deserving of it and worthy of it.And ever is Allah,of all things,Knowing.

It seems that “Sakina” also is related to the Hebrew “Shekhinah”, the term for God’s presence in the world. The Shekhinah is commonly referred to as the indwelling feminine face of God manifest on Earth in matrimonial concord, which retreated in the Fall, and will return as scattered shards or ’sparks’ in the final unveiling.
Kabah,or Sacred House/Mosque is known conspicuously as a symbol of Allah’s religion.A Muslim pilgrim must do the symbolic ritual of “Tawaf” around the Kabah.He will symbolically encircle the Kabah seven times to complete the circuit which unmistakably corresponded to the Yogic concept of the seven chakras or major energy centers in human subtle body traversed successively seven times by the awakened Kundalini at the coccyx,in the base of the spine.Tawaf also correspond to the symbolic Buddha’s body encircled seven times by the Mukalinda and also the symbolic scroll with seven seals that have to be open in the Book of Revelation.

Sakina,Shekhinah,Kundalini,Mukalinda,Holy Spirit or Tao are various names that referred to everyone’s spiritual potential that lie dormant in our coccyx…the most important bone in our body although medical doctors and scientists knew nothing yet about the significance of this small bone called coccyx (in Arabic  "Ajbu al-Thanab". It is also interesting to note that this small bone is called by the Jews as 'Luz bone', the "resurrection bone'). It is high time for everybody to prepare for this life’s ultimate journey for spiritual transformation,restoration,renewal,rebirth or resurrection.No matter what our religion is…the important thing is to realize that “the essence of all religion is the same”.

It is very unfortunate that some misguided Muslims have misinterpreted the teachings of Prophet Muhammad.They defaced and consequently tarnished the good spiritual image of Islam by fasely believing that “Jihad” is an external striving or fighting for the cause of Allah.Actually,this is not the case.The merciful and forgiven Allah and His Messenger,Prophet Muhammad meant that “Jihad” is an inner striving or fighting…a struggle of our inner human weaknesses,that is arrogance,jealousy,envy,hatefulness,greed and many other negative or “evil” inner human weaknesses.The effective fight for this lifetime inner struggle is by solemnly doing our “salah” or prayer or meditation and constanly learning to control our lower emotions thereby knowing ourselves as true servants of Allah which variously called in other religions as Yahweh,Jehovah,Braman or Father.Salaam.

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