Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Mysterious # 7

There is no number that mystify us most than the number 7.Why this mysterious number always appeared on all religious books ? We are all familiar with the 7 days of creation in the old testament of the bible.But how about the scroll with 7 seals that have to be loosing on the book of the revelation in the new testament? The Buddha’s body encircled 7 times by mukalinda? The kaaba in Mecca were all Muslim pilgrims are obliged to circle 7 times? The 7 books of Taoism? Or the 7 chakras that should be open in yoga? Why is these so? Why not any other number? Did Moses,Shiva,Buddha,Lao Tzu,Jesus and Mohammad has giving us important clue relating to this enigmatic number ?

For thousands of years,hundreds of millions of people suffered and died in the name of religion.Because of ignorance and blindness,people are willing to make wars,murder and massacre their own kind…This is pure madness! People kill each other because of doctrinal differences…because of the differences of their God’s name.Are we to blindly follow those preachers and religious leaders nowadays who insistenly preach that their religion is the only way to save you? While the rest of other religions will not be save and will consequently…go to hell?

Truth and salvation is far from these blind religious leaders leading the blind.We should strive to find the very essence of all religions and let go of all doctrinal differences but keep the morality and virtuous qualities taught by all religious founders.This is the time to wake up.This is the time to be free from the shackles of the past.The time to unite,hand in hand to create a splendorous “Heaven on Earth”.

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