Sunday, September 13, 2009

Baptism by holy spirit and fire

Most people believe that by simply being baptize by water they are then called “born again”.Esoterically,this is not the case.Jesus hide His secrets to the masses and divulge it only to His close disciples..that is,the 12 Apostles and other few followers (Matthew 13:10-17;Luke 8:9-10).Actually, being “born again” referred to a special process called baptism by holy spirit and fire (Matthew 3:11;Luke 3:16;John 3:3).It is the holy spirit and fire that wash away the sins or karma of a person.It is a spiritual rebirth…were everything becomes new to a person (1 Corinthians 15:50-53;Revelation 10:7).

In yoga and other esoteric traditions,it is called the awakening of the kundalini fire,sacred fire or holy fire.The process of the regeneration will take many months or years depending on the sins or karma of a person.Gradually,during the regenerative process a person develop or built an incorruptible,heavenly,spiritual or immortal body within his/her physical body (1 Corinthians 15:35-57).It is like an immortal spiritual fetus gradually develop within the perishable physical body.The mother (the person) will continually provide nutrition for the spiritual baby until both grow to maturity.When the mother’s body can no longer be used, the spirit of the mind and body join the immortal spiritual baby to establish a new life outside the old body.Then… spiritual immortality is achieved.

It is like a mystical conception were the holy fetus gives signs of the holy pregnancy (Revelation 12:1-17).We can then rightly say we’re “born again”.The spiritual baby is an energy baby.Our sexual energy can be transformed into subtle particles which,in upward movement become the immortal baby.Those subtle particles are invinsible,but you definitely can feel some of the transformed energy like a piece of silk or thread.Thus the first step to immortality is to produce the subtle particles which begin the formation of the immortal spiritual baby.The second step is to transform those subtle particle-like energies into light.

When the spiritual immortal baby stays with the person,the person will become wiser.Wisdom is different than intelligence.Intelligence is mostly genetic,but it can be improved.The best portrayal of the spiritual immortal baby in religious art is cherubs…baby angels who fly on wings.Although it is metaphoric representation,it will become the truthful fruit of your spiritual practice if you succeed.Master Jesus said, “Most truly I say to you,unless anyone is “born again”,he cannot see the kingdom of God”( John 3:3).

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