Sunday, September 13, 2009

My firsthand encounter with the kundalini : the mysterious universal energy within us all

I’ve been a quiet shy,introvert person when I was a child.I’ve been very curious around my surroundings.This curiosity got me into books at the age of 14.First with the bible then reader’s digest,encyclopedias,science in general,mostly non-fiction books besides newspapers.This obsession on information was so great that it totally consumed my time…Day and night I’ve read a lot…two to three dozens a week! Luckily,I’ve meet a kind bibliophile,Renaldo Mercado, who’s into buying and selling books on the market in Parang,Marikina City just a few blocks away from my home.Renaldo really love books….many books but not actually reading it.We made a deal that I’ll rent his books by dozens for a week for 25 to 50 pesos.I guess, around 3 to 4 thousand books of his I’ve read.Still it didn’t satisfy me.My voracious appetite for books continue…I’ve visited libraries and bookstores around Metro Manila for specific information on my research.

Soon,I became an atheist.Proudly convinced that there’s no such thing as spirituality,supernatural or anything about religion.I rejected this area of knowledge with science as my only way to explain things around me.At the age of 16,I’ve experience something way beyond the normal…unexplainable in terms of scientific modality…a phenomenon that our modern scientists may scratch their heads and deny it’s existence.This baffling experience shattered my belief system overnight…It is in connection with the death of my grandmother,my father’s mother in 1986.On that day,early in the morning,around 3 am to 5 am,I have a vivid dream during my sleep.A frightening dream that all my teeth crumbled to pieces…then I saw myself floating in space…I see a huge white light at a distance.This light is actually made of beings…there are hundreds of thousand of them…a few of them,around six or seven approach me..Even though they emanate peace and kindness,I’m scared.Then, suddenly I’m back on my physical body and regain normal consciousness..or I’ll say,I woke up…dazed,confused,shock of what this strange dream meant.This dream happened only once in my life.

Around seven in that morning,I talk to my parents about this strange dream.They told me that this kind of dream is a bad one,an omen. It means a member of our family is very sick or near death.I’ve found later that it’s a worldwide folklore.They told me that I should not tell them this dream.That I should keep quiet about it.Unfortunately,in that day in the afternoon,we received a telegram informing us that our grandmother living in Bacacay,Albay (Bicol Region) died in that early morning.This coincide with my strange dream on that early morning too.What’s more strange is that I’ve never meet my grandmother in my entire life.We never have a communication or even visited her province because my family live in Ozamis City and in 1985 we moved to Marikina City which are still very far away from her home.

I have a theory to explain this phenomenon.Somehow I’ve projected my consciousness into my grandmother even though I’ve never meet her in person nor inform about her condition.In this way,I’ll experience what she experience during her process of physical dying…the transition from the physical into the spiritual dimension.I’ve experience this phenomenon many times during my dream,meditation or when I’m on a trance state or altered state of consciousness right after that strange dream.It seems that I have the natural ability to project my consciousness to a person at the time when he/she is on an altered state of consciousness like meditating,sleeping,in a high fever,and even to a medium or a psychic when he/she on a trance state .I feel what a person felt at those moments.I know what they’re doing.I’ve never done a practice of this kind of thing.It seems very natural to me.I’ve never sought to experience it.Projection of consciousness is one of the spiritual powers mentioned in shamanic,yogic,Tibetan Buddhist and other spiritual traditions around the world.There are many kinds of projection of the consciousness.One which fit my ability is called “mental projection”,which can be distinguish from “astral projection”,”out of the body experience” or OBE and “remote viewing”.

After this strange dream in 1986,I widen my horizon.I’ve read all areas of human knowledge under the sun.I’ve made an extensive research on religion,spirituality,metaphysics,quantum physics,yoga,meditation,the supernatural,mysticism,the occult,Wicca,the mysteries,secret societies,dream interpretations,parapsychology…anything about Western and Eastern saints,yogis,shamans,healers,psychics,etc..along with science and technology in general.Very soon,I’ve practice meditation,prayer,yoga,breathing exercises,concentration,visualization and other techniques without the benefit of an external guru,master or teacher.I’ve found that the best teacher is the teacher within us…it never fails.

On September 21,1993…at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the age of 22, I’ve got the ultimate human experience.I’ve safely and successfully awakened my own kundalini energy (variously called in all major religion/spiritual/esoteric traditions as kundalini or shakti in Yoga/ element,cundali or mukalinda in Buddhism...shekhinah in Kabbalah/Judaism...sakina in Sufism/Islam...yang chi in Taoism...holy spirit in Christianity/Gnostism and secret fire or divine fire in Alchemy) by a techniques I’d carefully devised.This special techniques are the fruits of my many years of extensive research,analysis,meditation and pure intuition.It’s a very very wonderful experience indeed! Full of joy…peace…happiness…power…ecstasy.I was overwhelmed…overcome with joy.I cried silently to rejoice the Creator….the Architect….the Word…the Mother….the Father…the God…the Goddess…the Ultimate Reality,whatever we call It…All religious mysteries at that unforgettable moment is solved.Everything is very clear to me.At last,I’ve known the secret of all religion….the secret of all the ages…the secret of secrets.I see that there is unity of all things.All is interrelated…All is one.

First,I observed an intense heat building up in the coccyx region.And then an explosion of electric-like energy coming from it.Then, I’ve noticed that it’s traveling upward quickly along the spine and the brain.It’s a tremendous burst of pleasurable energy that produces ecstatic state of my consciousness.Along with this wonderful experience is white golden lights…and sounds like many bells ringing…after the explosion…the opening…the liberation of the tremendous kundalini force within me at the base of the spine.There is silence… about 30 minutes before the lights and sound effects…the silence which is also accompanied by a great expansion of consciousness…a cosmic consciousness.My consciousness expands and spread in 360 degrees.There is also a sense of rigidness in my physical body…immobility…like a suspended animation.If I tried to move my body,it’s like a very very slow motion.The expanded consciousness slowly contract…leaving behind the ecstasy…intense pleasure…the lightning-like effects of the kundalini force along the spine.There was a residue of the expanded consciousness that permanently remain a feature of my mind.I feel the kundalini darting…pulsing it’s way to the 2nd chakra or energy center.I’ve feel and observed later that chakras are actually vortices of energies rotating in clockwise or counterclockwise in directions.The speed and direction of rotation is always changing.

As kundalini makes it’s way to the chakras,it supposedly produces a certain chemicals that the ancient initiates called :elixir of life,philosopher’s stone,fountain of youth,soma,etc.A substance believed to have the power to cure all ills and to maintain life indefinitely.It is the nectar…ambrosia,the drink or food of the gods that confer immortality. The kundalini’s gradual ascension( which may take months or years,depending on many factors),which one by one piercing the chakras or energy centers along the spine and finally in the 7th center in the top of the head,culminating in cosmic,divine or universal consciousness.I didn’t feel pain or discomfort while undergoing the process of transformation for years.In fact, I’ve always feel blessed…in ecstasy in every moment of my life since the awakening of the kundalini.

However,this ecstasy has a cycle and volume…there are times when it’s very intense that I feel like I’m in heaven or floating in the clouds for a long time.An absolute happiness that is incomparable to any joy or pleasure I’ve experienced before.It is many many times more intense and rapturing than sexual orgasm.It is along the spine that gives much pleasure because of kundalini’s ceaseless upward movement. It lasted longer…an hour..a few hours…a day or a few days or more.There is no feeling of fatigue or weakness.I feel more strong,in fact, during the most ecstatic moments.I’m absolutely convinced that I’ve experienced what mystics and saints of all ages had experienced.I perfectly understand what they’re going through all their blissful life.I’ve verified that this mysterious kundalini is actually a real thing.I am not hallucinating or under the influence of drugs.It is not a metaphor,a symbol,a visualized thing,auto suggestion,imagination or just plain creation of the mind.It really did exist.Just because it’s invincible…not commonly known or not yet verified by modern scientists means it doesn’t exist.And definitely,it is not a hoax,an ancient propaganda or disinformation either.It is a real energy but so subtle that the only way to verify it is by feeling.It feels like a mild electricity but pleasurable and powerful too.The electricity that we used to light our homes is very crude when compared to it.In fact,it is the source of our life itself…the stuff that composed our mind…our consciousness.

Ultimately,a permanent cosmic consciousness and infinite bliss will be attain when the kundalini finally reach the 7th center at the top of the skull (Please remember that kundalini,chakras or energy centers are very subtle and invincible…it can only be felt but couldn’t be seen with the naked eye nor detected by most modern scientific instrument.However the “inner eye” or the “third eye” will see it’s light effects inside the subtle body)…It changed my whole life for the better.It made me strong…very healthy,I didn’t get sick anymore…made me wise…a healer and teacher but a reluctant one…gradually retards the aging process…made me stay young with black hair.I project an appearance that is ordinary ,although some mystics and psychics I’ve meet clairvoyantly saw and know about the “real” me.

During the transforming process,I’ve experienced some paranormal abilities that attributed to many psychics,mystics,saints,shaman,yogis and holy persons.I’ve never have an intention to develop it,although it is there.Before,I’ve healed some sick people,like advanced tuberculosis,incurable skin disease,etc… even healed a dying puppy of my family.I did these healings not to make money because I didn’t accept anything in return nor to demonstrate that I have power…People should be taught “how to heal themselves”.There’s an old saying that “physician,heal thyself”.Gradually,this mysterious energy made me optimistic…compassionate and humble…very aware…very spiritual even though I’m not belong to any religious group or sects.

Later,I’ve visited temples,churches,mountains,religious or spiritual centers or groups..mingled with atheists,mystics,yogis,healers,psychics,Christians,Muslims,Hindus,Buddhists and other religious persons to share what I’ve experienced.I’ve already talk and share my experience to my immediate family and friends…but the problem is that they couldn’t understandit.It is indeed extremely hard to understand It.This is the long time dilemma of how to share an experience by talking about it to a person that didn’t experience it.I’m at a loss to convey this wonderful experience to all of you…indeed,it is inexpressible! ( Note that I’ve tried to use pictograph to try to communicate to all of you about the kundalini force on my photo album titled “Weinz Unveiled:Secret Symbols Of The Inner World”).I’ve later found out that many ancient and modern mystics,saints,yogis,holy persons and those ordinary people who successfully awakened this formidable force and even the founders of major religion tried to communicate the experience to the masses in their own way…in their own generation and to the next generations.Some keep silent when ask about it…Some teach through obscure arts…Some resort to allegories,illustrations and parables like Moses,Buddha,Jesus,Lao Tzu and Muhammad…to convey the Truth.Indeed,lucky are those few who solved…decoded the Truth these spiritual Masters try to convey in many many ways.

I think…people’s pride,self-righteousness,close-mindedness,and too much attachment and preoccupation with family,friends,work and hobbies are some of the factors that made this knowledge…this wisdom…this inner human technology a secret for thousands of years.It is not the intention of those few enlightened or anointed ones to hide this wisdom.It’s just that most people are blinded by their own weaknesses that made them oblivious or unaware of the universal Truth.I wish…and I sincerely hope that the scientific community will take a look of this ancient wisdom,investigate and make a through subjective study of kundalini energy…experiment it within themselves. Because of it’s subtleness,it is very unfortunate that there’s no modern scientific instrument yet sensitive enough to detect and verify the kundalini’s existence. …the scientific discovery of this wonderful force will surely revolutionize all aspects and areas of human knowledge…it’s significance in our life will be widely known…And maybe…maybe someday people will change…change for the better by incorporating this wisdom…of an ancient human technology in our educational system and then surely ….real peace and happiness will reign around the world.

P.S. There is a very simple test if really your kundalini is actually awakened.When It is awakened intense heat is felt at that spot but when It leaves a particular chakra or energy center the part so left becomes cold and apparently lifeless as a corpse.The progress of the kundalini upwards may thus be externally verified by others.When the kundalini has reached the uppermost brain,in the 7th center the whole physical body is cold and corpse-like,except the top of the head,where some warmth is felt.My hands and also feet are cold right after my strange dream in 1986,possibly an stirring of the kundalini energy.My immediate family,friends and schoolmates have noticed this coldness of my hands that they often ask about it.My hands becomes more cold…icy cold even in summer when I’ve finally fully awakened my kundalini in 1993.This is because much of the energies of the physical body gather and concentrate around the centers in the spine and in the head centers.

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