Sunday, September 13, 2009

God is a Universal Loving Energy

God is forever loving and forgiven.Even agnostics,skeptics,atheists and those sinners or with heavy karmas are unconditionally love by our God the Creator of all things.God is always given everyone a chance and signs to come back to His Kingdom which is within us all…in the very depth of our being…in our original nature ,that is spirit/universal energy.The past,present and future sages,saints,yogis,spiritual masters/gurus/guides are just humble slaves of God the Supreme Being of all…they are just humble instruments for change..for peace and harmony in our societies..their timeless message is the same in essence although express in their own unique ways and suitable in their own generation.Stone Age..Bronze Age..Iron Age..Middle Age..Industrial Age..Atomic Age…Space Age…Cyber Age..and so on..God didn’t exhaust His human instruments for change..for the betterment of all..until ultimately all human spirits comes back to His glorious eternal Kingdom in Heaven.

The Great Cosmic Cycle of Pure Universal Energy into Matter and vice versa is what our universe/multiverse is made of.Sub-atomic particles,viruses,bacteria,plants,insects,animals,humans,asteroids,moons,planets,stars,galaxies…all these are originally made by Pure Universal Energy or anciently called Spirit,God,Supreme Being or Creator…the Source of all.The Universal Energy were gradually in the process of cooling off…of congealing into Pure Matter.Of course,in the humankind category,the complete solidification process will take more thousands or millions of years.This is why,even at the present stage of this ongoing solidification process,our human physical bodies are getting weaker and easily get sick.Life becomes harder and harder.To compensate for this lack of energy,we humans built machines in order to help us move our way….to help us to feel “comfortable” so to speak.We now have elevators,escalators,walkalators,washing machines and other machines like, for example, robots to help us around and do our usual jobs.There is some danger in our dependence to machines.Our planet Earth’s limited natural resources are at stake just for the sake of making ourselves “comfortable”.The manufacturing plants are creating too much hazardous and poisonous chemicals that contaminate our rivers,lakes and the air we breath.Life must go on as some say.Some people have the opinion that we have to move forward…that we have to harness technology to survive.But is this really the surest path to our survival? Or is it the wrong path leading to humankind’s eventual extinction? It is good to have vision and plan in advance…a precautionary measures to avoid this dreadful possibility.

One reasonable option to counter this natural solidification process of Nature that takes it’s toll in our physical body’s health and energy is to activate the reserved…dormant energy in the coccyx…at the base of our spine.It is like a microscopic or miniature bio-controlled nuclear fusion going on at the coccyx.Once activated,the release of enormous energy will be useful not only in our day to day life but also to our spiritual development.All aspects of our being,that is physical,sexual,emotional,mental and spiritual are greatly enhance…maximize so to speak because of the availability of this perpetual supply of free energy in our respective coccyxgeal energies.The senses of seeing,hearing,smell,taste and touch are all many times heighten too.Just hearing and listening to a beautiful piece of music will be like floating in the air because of the rapturous heighten delight in it.The optimism,zest and appreciation of life are now more apparent and greatly different than before the actual release of the dormant energy within us all.Everything becomes new…there is a sense of new-ness…of being enlightened or spiritual awakening…of being “born again”..of being transformed by this perpetual light emitted from the coccyx.The ancient sages,saints,yogis and spiritual masters called this energy or light originated at the coccyx as Kundalini,Mukalinda,Shekhinah,Sakina,Tao,Chi,Ki,Holy Spirit or Presence of God.

May all be awaken from our deep slumber.Abundance of Peace…Light and Love.

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