Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Enlightenment Is Possible For Everyone

Without using a parable, allegory, illustration or symbolism....directly talking about how Gautama the Buddha attain Enlightenment/Nirvana/Salvation from suffering : We all have the seed of enlightenment at our root chakras, although in a "
dormant" or "sleeping" state. Through "awakening" the Mukalinda / Kundalini / Dragon / Fire Element / Yang Chi within our root chakras, and opening our major seven chakras (along the spine and lastly at the crown chakra) we all could attain enlightenment just like Gautama the Buddha.

Gautama the Buddha realized then that these causes, conditions or factors before the attainment of enlightenment is extremely hard for the common people to understand (even those who meditated for 30 years or more). The reason is because the Mukalinda/ Kundalini / Dragon/ the Light of the Buddha is veiled by It's own subtleness. Because It is invisible and subtle , people will not believe of It's existence and consider Gautama the Buddha's story of Mukalinda encircling his body seven times (before attaining Enlightenment) as a myth or legend. How ironic indeed.

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