Wednesday, September 28, 2011

End Of The World : Nobody Really Knows When

Since ancient times,some people attempted to predict the future and have failed...specially regarding the end of the world.

Nostradamus predicted that "The year 1999, seventh month / From the sky will come great king of terror."

The Seventh-Day Adventists predicted the end by 1843.

Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon church predicted the world would end by 1891

Jehovah's Witnesses predicted the end by 1914 and then by 1925.They repeatedly changed and updated their predictions but still failed.

Pat Robertson,the televangetist predicted Judgment Day would come in 1982.

Marshall Applewhite and his Heavens Gate followers killed themselves so that they would be taken by an alien spacecraft coming along with comet Hale-Bopp in 1997.This prediction included accusations of a huge cover-up by NASA who supposedly knew the alien craft was hidden in the comet’s coma.

Harold Camping, a preacher from California who says the Second Coming of Jesus will occur conveniently at 6 pm local time for each time zone around the world by May 21, 2011.Before,Camping also incorrectly predicted the end of the world back in 1994.

These are just few example of the people who are into doomsday predictions.We wonder why they attempted to predict when they know damn well that they are not God or The Creator.The same pattern of doomsday delusion can be applied to fanatic believers of the end of the world predicted on December 21,2012.Most of these guys are professionals,spreading their fearmongering in YouTube,Facebook,Twitter and their own websites,radio stations,movies and books.

People who live in fear of the future are not happy.They couldn't sleep soundly.It affected their work,study and relationship with their love ones.Let's enjoy our life the present moment.Don't believe anything you hear about "The End Is Near" ,"Judgement Day" or "End Of The World".As Jesus said,don't worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will take care of itself.

Always remember that the 'Kingdom of God is within you'...not over/out there in outer space,clouds,sky,mountain,island,city or country.Practice meditation/prayer each day,familiarize yourself...Know thyself and you will realize the timeless universal Truth.

Have a wonderful happy life each moment :)

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