Sunday, August 14, 2011

Awaken Your Own Kundalini For Your Own Good



Apollonius of Tyna

Adi Shankara

St. Marie-Bernarde Soubirous



Gopi Krishna

Nagaraji Babaji





Padre Pio

St. Catherine of Siena



Prophet Muhammad




Guru Nanak

Lao -Tzu

Compte de Saint Germain



Gautama Buddha



Every genuine spiritual masters/gurus/guides,sages,mystics,yogis,saints,kaballists and alchemists such as Moses,Krishna,Shiva,Zoroaster,Mahavira,Buddha,Lao-Tzu,Patanjali,Jesus,Muhammad,Guru Nanak,Bodhidharma,Milarepa,Rumi,Adi Shankara,Compte de Saint Germain,Fulcanelli,Nagaraji Babaji,St. Catherine of Siena,Ramakrishna,Saint Marie-Bernarde Soubirous,Padre Pio,Krishnamurti,Paramahansa Yogananda,Vivekananda,Aurobindo,Gopi Krishna,Amma and among others awakened their own 'kundalini' force at the base of their spine.

Instead of waiting for their blessings or boon,why not take the discipline of practicing meditation,concentration and breath control to awaken your own kundalini,the divine power within you at the comfort of your home? Are you so lazy so that you couldn't take up these spiritual disciplines ?

The fact that relying on others for your salvation from sufferings,spiritual enlightenment,bliss,ecstasy,health,wisdom,peace of mind,love and compassion will get you nowhere.If ever,you are lucky to get close to those who awakened their own kundalini and healed you...what's next? Sooner or later you'll get sick again.

As you can see that it is much better to master your own self in order for you to permanently enjoy bliss and excellent health.Learn how to maintain your health...learn how to experience bliss,peace of mind and enlightenment.You can learn techniques or methods from those who awakened their kundalini but do not depend on them.Respect them but do not worship them like God/Goddess/Creator/Creatrix.Depend on your own divinity unfolding when you once awaken your own kundalini.Know Thyself.

1 comment:

  1. For those who didn't know about what "kundalini"is : Kundalini is a dormant Life Force within every human beings.Kundalini is 'symbolized' as a sleeping serpent or snake coiled 3 and a half times at the base of the spine or coccyx in the Yoga tradition.In the Bible,it is also 'symbolized' as serpent or snake :

    "Then the LORD said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live." ~ ( Numbers 21:8)

    "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up,that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." ~ (John 3:14-15)

    Actually,”kundalini” feels like a nectar-filled electricity ,producing tremendous blissful ecstasy,strength,health,wi​sdom,spiritual powers,universal love and compassion and enlightenment when awakened from it’s dormant place at the base of the spine.The reason why the ancient sages,prophets,mystics,yog​is,saints and spiritual masters/gurus/guides symbolized “kundalini” as ‘serpent’ or ‘snake’ ( or ‘fire’ because of it’s golden/yellowish color when watching it with the spiritual eye or third eye) is because it’s slow pulsing up and down movement along the spine compared to the movement of the serpent or snake.

    As we can see,”kundalini” is not actually a serpent or snake and not also just a metaphor but is a tangible energy or force,you can feel it flowing ‘continuously’ every second….every moment non-stop along the spine,brain and all over the body once you successfully awaken it.

    Modern scientists with their modern sophisticated instruments are still not able to detect an awakened "kundalini" in a person because of it’s extremely subtle quality.It is not belong to the solid,liquid,gas or plasma state of matter.Actually,it belongs in the subtle dimension or planes of existence called ‘etheric’.

    Miracles,healings and other spiritual powers...specially incorruptible body or physically immortal body….of living eternal life in a spiritual or material body is possible when working with awakened "kundalini".This LifeForce is an aspect or spark of our Creator/God/The Divine.In a sence,each of us humans are potentially divine….we can become divine like Jesus or Buddha once we awakened this Life Force variously called “kundalini” in Yoga/Hinduism….“shekinah” in Kaballah/Judaism…"sakina" in Sufism/Islam…"yang chi" in Taoism…"holy spirit and fire" in Christianity…"fire element" or "mukalinda" in Buddhism…."secret fire" in Alchemy.Most esoteric traditions around the world also called this Life Force as the Goddess,Mother,Princess,My​stical Lady,Bride or Wife (the Lamb's marriage to his wife ~ Revelation 19:7-9).

    Bible scholars who interpreted the Book of Revelation 'literally' couldn't penetrate…decode/decipher the secret messages and symbols of this enigmatic book by Apostle John,the disciple of Jesus with whom Jesus authorized to write symbolically his powerful techniques on how to awaken the "kundalini".
    The scroll with 7 with seals that have to be open (Revelation 5:1-3) is none other than the opening of the 7 major chakras or vortexes of subtle bioenergy along the spine,head and it's processes by the awaken Life Force or kundalini.
