Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What Does Science Say About Energy Healing

Scientific Research on Chakras

Considerable research validates the existence of the chakras, thanks to Valerie V. Hunt, PhD. For twenty years, Hunt, a professor of kinesiology (the study of human movement) at the University of California in Los Angeles, measured human electromagnetic output under different conditions. Using an electromyograph, an instrument that measures the electrical activity of the muscles, Hunt discovered that the physical body emanated radiation at sites typically associated with the chakras. In addition, she discovered that certain levels of consciousness were linked to specific frequencies.

When people in her studies were thinking of daily situations, their energy fields measured frequencies in the range of 250 Hz—the same frequency as the heart. When psychic individuals had their energy fields tested on the electromyograph, their frequency ranged in a band from 400 to 800 Hz. Trance specialists and channelers fell into the 800 to 900 Hz range, and mystics—who are connected continually to their higher self—had a energy field, or etheric body, above 900 Hz.

Hunt’s findings correlate with traditional chakra lore: the chakras can be stepping-stones to enlightenment, each inviting a different spiritual awareness and increasing the frequency of the subtle body. In fact, the manufacturer of the equipment adapted the machine to measure higher frequencies, and it was found that a mystic had an average subtle-energy field frequency of 200,000 Hz.

Hunt also found changes in coloration emanating from the chakra points when subjects were being Rolfed, as she discusses in an abstract co-written by Dr. Wayne Massey and others. Rolfing is a form of massage that achieves structural integration by means of manipulating the myofascia. While a subject was being Rolfed, measurements were recorded with Fourier analysis and asonogram-frequency analysis. As the subjects were monitored with equipment, noted healer Reverend Rosalyn Bruyere recorded the colors she saw through psychic vision.

The registered frequencies were measurable by color and sound. Both Bruyere’s psychic vision and the frequency-recording equipment reported the same changes in coloration, chakra to chakra. The colors were observed to be the same as in metaphysical literature: the “root,” or first, chakra, was red; “hypogastric,” or second chakra, was orange; spleen, or third, was yellow; heart, or fourth, was green; the throat, or fifth, was blue; the third eye, or sixth chakra, was violet; and the crown, or seventh chakra, was white.

One of Hunt’s concepts is that, from a quantum perspective, the body is more than a conglomerate of systems (such as endocrine, neuromuscular, or cardiovascular). Instead, all systems and tissues are organized by energy, specifically bioenergy. The study suggests the existence of the chakras and recognizes them as involved with the physical, emotional, and energetic natures of our being.

Yet another study, conducted on an extremely clairvoyant individual, Dora van Gelder Kunz, suggests the existence of the chakras. Kunz observed two hundred people with various diseases and described their illnesses in terms of alterations in the nonphysical bodies and the chakras. Shafica Karagulla, MD, researcher and author of the book The Chakras and Human Energy Fields, compared Kunz’s reports with standard medical diagnosis. Researchers in this study discovered that diseases do alter the behavior of chakras and nonphysical bodies in terms of color, luminosity, rhythm, rate, size, form, elasticity, and texture.

One exciting outcome of this research was a detailed correlation between the chakras and the endocrine glands. The researchers discovered that a problem with a particular gland would show up in the chakra. If the pineal gland was disturbed, for example, the crown chakra would be as well. The correlation between chakras and endocrine glands is as shown in figure below.

As is apparent from this illustration, the researchers found eight main chakras (adding the spleen), rather than the more traditional seven chakras. They also noticed the existence of minor chakras in the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

The Work of Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama

Shinto priest Hiroshi Motoyama, PhD, also investigated the science of the chakras. He has conducted numerous studies to verify the energy system, many of which have become the basis of his more than twenty books. Motoyama created a device to detect minute electrical, magnetic, and optical changes in the vicinity of a subject. It is called the “apparatus for measuring the functioning of the meridians and corresponding internal organs,” or AMI.

During one test, Motoyama found that increased activity of the heart chakra area actually produced a weak but measurable physical light. Study subjects pressed a button whenever they thought they were experiencing psi-energy, or psychic sensations such as inexplicable feelings, pictures, or sounds. These internal feelings correlated to objectively measured periods of heart activity. Experiments similar to this one led Motoyama to conclude that mental concentration on a chakra is the key to activating it.

These and other studies led Motoyama to deduce that certain individuals can project their energy through the chakras, a statement supported by Itzhak Bentov, a researcher of physiological changes associated with meditation. Bentov has duplicated Motoyama’s findings regarding electrostatic energy emission from the chakras.

Motoyama suggests that the chakras are represented in the central nervous system by the brain and nerve plexuses, as well as in the meridian acupuncture points. Though chakras are separate from the central nervous system and the meridians, Motoyama considers the chakras as superimposed upon these other two systems, rather than occupying the same physical space.

As Motoyama explains, the chakras supply the physical body with outside energy through the nadi system, a circuitry that spreads subtle energy throughout the body. Motoyama states that the “gross nadi” equate with the meridian system, and together they represent a “physical but invisible system of physiological control” located within connective tissue.

Source: http://www.withinsight.com/ene​rgyhealing/#!state_science

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