Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fight for our Ultimate Freedom and Happiness

No matter if we are a follower of Judaism,Hinduism,Buddhism,Taoism,Christianity,Islam or Sikhism,the hope for and ultimate success of our effort in prayer and meditation for many months or years is the activation or awakening of the spark of God within us all.

The spark of God,also called the Great Mother or Goddess (the feminine aspect of God/Creator) of most people are in dormant or sleeping state in the coccyx/base of the spine.Whatever methods,rituals with or without prayer beads and other religious paraphernalia and whatever positions of doing the prayer and meditation will sooner or later unleash the divine power within all of us.

By manifesting this divine cosmic power within us,we experience heavenly bliss,happiness,peacefullness,tranquility,perfect health and wisdom in this present life.Moses,Krishna,Shiva,Buddha,Lao-Tzu,Jesus,Mohammad,Guru Nanak and many other geniune spiritual masters,saints,mystics,prophets,yogis and sages of the past until the present had all awakened their own divine power by practicing prayer or meditation in isolated places like mountains,forrests,caves or at the privacy of their room.It was and still is their utmost wish that one day all their respective followers,disciples and companions...the whole of humanity will awaken from their 'deep sleep'.

Lets maximize our life.We use only a few percent of our full potential....the potential to become like gods/goddesses...the sons and daugthers of God the Creator.For many thousands of years,the kings and political leaders ruthlessly control the masses.These power hungry... worldly leaders are still now subjecting the people from spiritual awakening....from realizing their full potential,their birthright as divine beings.It is time for us to fight for our be ultimately free and happy.

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