Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Enlightenment In The Modern World

An enlightened blissful life doesn't mean you will live like a hermit,monk or a master up on the mountain,forrest or island.That is a choice.You can still be blissfully enlightened even living and working in a crowded city,whether you are single or married.

We don't need to wear a distinctive clothing or uniform to appear to other people as holy man,saint or spiritual master.The important thing is that you know that you are spiritual enlightened by your own effort of spiritual practice (meditation/prayer).You know that you are undergoing a spiritual evolution...your consciousness are getting higher and expanding....more refined....more clearer...more penetrating than ever before.

You know too that the people around you,whether they are your family,relatives,classmates,friends or co-employees didn't know about your inner life....that they didn't know the subtle realities you are experiencing within yourself.After your spiritual awakening,you gradually learned to integrate your spiritual experience in your ordinary daily life.But you are aware that people will not accept you readily if you try to share it with them prematurely.You know that most people think that you're crazy or insane or worse demon-possessed.

This is why many who got "awake" are usually retreated to isolated..inaccessible places because of the inability of the people around them to understand about what they're going through,that is the spiritual rebirth or evolution.A few who are "awake" but still choose to remain in the crowded city are force to lead a double life (material/ordinary life and spiritual/inner life).They are obliged to speak not about their spiritual experience,except to those who are open-minded and willing to learn the ancient universal wisdom which were originally taught by all the ancient sages,prophets,saints and spiritual masters of the past.

Some of those "awakened ones" are teaching their discoveries through their symbolic arts or writings.Some conveyed the timeless Truth orally through their few selected friends,relatives or companions which become their followers or disciples.People should understand that those they worship or venerated...those ancient religious/spiritual founders called prophets or enlightened ones or gods/goddesses are people like them who are transformed....upgraded...made new in all aspects of their being by the subtle transformative process of liberated bioenergetic/spiritual force within them since childhood or later on their life brought about by their persistent spiritual practice of meditation or prayer.

Enlightened happy life is accessible to everyone at anytime whether you are a shepherd...a prince...a carpenter...a librarian...a taxi driver....a street vendor....a doctor,etc.

May Peace,Bliss and Love be upon to everyone.

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