Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Way Of The True Modern Spiritual Masters

To be enlightened at the same time working and living just like all normal ordinary persons is a greatly fullfilling life indeed.We should only give a free teaching and sharing our secrets methods/techniques about enlightenment/spiritual awakening in our free time only.This is a good principle and I hope that anyone follow it kindly.

Personally,I didn't use what paranormal gifts I have to earn a living.Many years ago,during 1998 to 2000 I've done paranormal healings during my free time to my friends,acquintants and strangers alike without accepting anything in return.I've worked full time in retail industries here in the Philippines back then.Four years ago I've applied to worked abroad in Kuwait in a retail industry.I'm on vacation righth now for two months here in the Philippines.

This is why I maximize my time even during this vacation to share and teach free of charge what I've discovered and realized.I will never encourage anyone to use spirituality a means to make a living.I will never encourage anyone to beg for their daily food.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard about popular spiritual gurus/guides/masters charging more or less 3,000 US dollars on teaching their would be spiritual aspirants/students/disciples/followers about the techniques on how to awaken/activate their universal life force at the base of their spine.

    Now,this is a selfish and materialistic approach to timeless wisdom which was totally free originally.Moses.Shiva,Krishna,Buddha,Lao-Tzu,Jesus,Mohammad and Guru Nanak did not charge their spiritual teachings.The logic for this tragic situation is that those who have no money of around 3,000 US dollars could not avail the secret techniques/methods.Not to say the huge budget for airplane ticket back and forth,hotel accomodation,food and transportation for those who live far away from the venue.

    Universal wisdom is free like the air we breath,it should not be exclusive "only" to the rich and the famous.We don't need to wonder why many charlatan...fake spiritual gurus joined the money-making business of "spirituality".
