Sunday, September 13, 2009

Revelation:The Secret Teachings of Jesus Christ

Even without a spiritual teacher/master/guru, a spiritual aspirant can safely awaken his/her own Kundalini/Mukalinda/Shekhinah/Sakina/Holy Spirit at the comfort of his/her home.There is no need to travel around the world to find and be initiated by a genuine spiritual teacher/master/guru.The supreme teacher/master/guru is within each of us.When you are ready for it…when all necessary preparations are made…then..only then your kundalini energy be awaken.From the past,even at the present modern generation,those who already awakened their own kundalini force could not publicly teach or divulge the secret techniques/methods to awaken the kundalini to the masses.The reason for this is because the masses couldn’t understand the profoundness of the secret teachings.And those who are unprepared for kundalini force may experience negative effects.Letting go of their programmed…artificial selves may not be what they wanted.It is the attachment…the clinging to material…transitory things that might cause madness..insanity to the unprepared.Not all people are in fact prepared to face themselves…their true essential self which are a spark of the Supreme…Divine…God.This is why even at the lifetime of Jesus Christ…He didn’t openly teach His secrets to the public.Instead,the mysteries of God…the sacred secrets of the kingdom of heavens were taught only to His immediate or close disciples/apostles. Matthew 13:10-17;Mark 4:11-12;Luke 8:9-10;Matthew 11:25;Colossians 1:24-29.

Saint Paul wrote: that by way of a revelation the mystery was made known to me just as I wrote previously in brief.In reading this,then,you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ,which was not made known to men in other generations as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to God’s holy apostles and prophets.Ephesians 3:3-5.I have become it’s servant by the commision God gave me to present to you the word of God in it’s fullness—the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations,but is now disclosed to the saints.Collossians 1:25-26

Jesus Christ’s secrets/mysteries were written symbolically in the Book of Revelation.The secret techniques/methods and process of awakening the Kundalini or Holy Spirit are written in many cryptic symbols that seems impossible for the uninitiated…unprepared men and women to understand,decipher or decode.

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