Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Ultimate Human Experience

As human beings,our whole life revolves around eating,sleeping,mating,working,studying,playing and doing our hobbies and interests.Most of us don't know exactly how to meditate or pray and even oblivious of the great benefit of leading a meditative or prayerful life.Because of our modern busy life,it seems we don't have time to be be aware of life's secrets and mysteries.

The fear of being alone and lonely motivate us to keep ourselves very busy.Even simply eating our food,we avoided the stillness and silence of beingness by watching television...listening to a radio or mp4 player while we chewing our food.It seems we lead our whole lives with constant entertainment and stimulation just to avoid being "alone" and "lonely" ?

This constant need...habit..compulsion to not let ourselves to be alone in stillness and beingness even for just a few minutes is the real reason why we failed to find permanent and enlightenment during our present lifetime...It is the reason why we couldn't experience the ultimate.We think that by avoiding the silence and stillness of being alone we will be happy by constant company with our friends in going to parties...drinking and smoking until the early morning hours.We know that having "fun" is not gonna give us permanent happiness.

Being alone...being on yourself in the silence of your own private room is a great step in the spiritual journey were experiencing permanent happiness is possible.Meditation and prayer should be done in a quiet atmosphere because silence is conducive to discovering our natural essential being....the original timeless spirit within ourselves.

To experience the Ultimate is :

To enlighten us.
To energizes us.
To awaken our human potentialities.
To activate our unique paranormal gifts.
To have a healthier younger- looking physical body.
To have a happy and blissful life.
To awaken our heart in loving unconditionally.
To realize that we're spirit or energy.
To finally unite our spirit with our Creator.

P.S. To reach those interested in their spiritual evolution,I am looking for a literary agent,book publisher and financiers to help me publish my upcoming practical book dealing with spirituality,religion,mysticism,esotericism and quantum physics.This special book is not another autobiographical,psychological,theological,philosopical or theoretical writings.The fortunate literary agent,book publisher and financiers will be invited to attend my upcoming spiritual initiation world-wide to attest or prove my practical teachings.This spiritual initiation have something to do with the safe awakening of our dormant biocosmic energy (variously called kundalini,mukalinda,shekhinah,sakina,holy spirit,tao and chi) within us all which is located at the the base of our spine.
I am also asking for help in supporting (by fund-raising) the spiritual organization that I'll begin with in the Philippines very soon.The main tenet of this international and universal spiritual organization is : The essence of all religions is the same.

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