Saturday, September 21, 2013

Evolution of Consciousness: My 20 years Journey of the Kundalini

There have been tremendous evolution of my consciousness and state of being since the awakening of my dormant life force (also known as Kundalini, Shakti, Shekhinah, Sakina, Holy Spirit, Mukalinda, Yang Chi, Fire Element, Secret Fire, Baptism by Fire, Goddess, Great Mother, Mystical Lady, etc.) at the base of my spine in the afternoon of the 21th of September 1993 when I was 22 years old. I've continually observe my transformation in all aspect of my being. The nectar (also called water of life, ambrosia, amrita, soma, etc.) flows abundantly non-stop from the top of my head (crown or sahasrara chakra) down to my palate. This perpetual flow of the extremely subtle biochemical nectar is triggered by the awakening of the Kundalini and is the cause of heavenly ecstacy, inner joy, bliss and peace.

This flow of nectar is also the cause of excellent health and slowing down the ageing process. It is also the cause to give me the power to live without eating and drinking for long periods of time. My psychic and spiritual perceptions are also heighten by the long process of this enlightening Kundalini, the divine force within us. I therefore confirmed what the ancient sages, mystics, saints, prophets and yogis like Osiris, Krishna, Shiva, Zoroaster, Moses, Buddha, Lao-Tzu, Jesus, Prophet Muhammad, Guru Nanak and many others about the 'heavenly state of being' they called 'heaven' or 'paradise'. Like them, my spiritual mission is to teach and share the sacred techniques to awaken this divine power within every human being to also unfold their own heavenly state of being that hopefully will usher into the Golden Age of Enlightenment, World Peace, Universal Love and Compassion.

Most people are not aware or don't have information about their divine potentialities, this is why we see many unhappy, depress, angry and stress people that mainly cause problems in the form of wars, murders, suicide, rape and many other weaknesses that plague humankind . If you are one of those few who realize the significance of my mission, then join my spiritual group that I've founded since 2009 called 'Universal Light for Enlightenment, Peace and Happiness ( U.L.E.P.H. Society). Attend my Kundalini Workshops to learn and practice the esoteric techniques to safely awaken your own Kundalini. You could also help by sending voluntary donation for the improvement of spreading the good news to the ULEPH Society's main office at: 007 Tuazon St. corner P. Paterno St. Parang, Marikina City Philippines 1809. You could reach me at my cellphone number: +639225196014

May Peace, Light and Love be upon you _/\_

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Are you ready to handle and swallow the Truth?

At the temples, churches and house of worship, you'll notice the 'symbol' of the Awakening of the Kundalini Fire/Baptism by Fire with lighting the candles/fire ritual and the ringing of a bell.

The elusive meaning of these symbolic rituals and ceremonies are lost for thousands of years. Once the the dormant Life Force/Kundalini is activated at the base of your spine/coccyx you'll see a light/fire and hear a sound just like that of a ringing bell.

On the other hand, the water/wine ritual symbolize the water of life/nectar/amrita/ambrosia/soma/elixir of life that flows continuously along your spine/susumna/central channel (that bestow perpetual bliss) once you've activated your Kundalini fire.

Indeed, religious rituals and ceremonies are just crude imitation of the real inner experience. Don't forget, the Kingdom of God is within you.

~ Weinz Belardo

Everyone is cordially invited to Weinz Belardo's Seminar on how to activate the Kundalini Fire (Expansion of Consciousness) 

Date : Sunday January 27, 2013 at 3 pm until 6 pm

Venue : Theosophical Society of the Philippines main headquarters at # 1 Iba St. corner P. Florentino St. Quezon City (near Welcome Rotonda - between Espana and Quezon Ave)

The Kundalini Fire is also variously called Baptism by Fire, Divine Fire, Holy Spirit, Secret Fire, Serpent Fire, Fire Element, Fire of Love, Yang Chi, Dragon, Bakunawa, Sakti, Shekhinah, Sakina, Goddess, Mystical Lady and Great Mother in all esoteric, alchemical, mystical and spiritual traditions around the world.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Esoteric Secrets of Christmas Symbolism

Christmas, aside from it’s considered ‘historical’ birth of baby Christ is also an ‘esoteric’ side that is often ignored or neglected by scholars and researchers. The fact that the birth of baby Christ also refers to an advanced spiritual practitioner’s  internal subtle ‘spiritual energy baby’s  birth (variously called in the esoteric and alchemical traditions around the world as Divine Child, Spiritual Immortal Baby,  Golden Flower, Lapis, Baby ‘Future’ Buddha and Child Mercurius)   that will be ascended and projected at the  fontanel/crown chakra/top of the head when it reach it’s maturity.

This subtle spiritual/etheric/astral process usually takes many years to complete. This is the most greatest attainment of an advanced  spiritual practitioner, because it indicates that s/he finally achieved an everlasting life, living later as an immortal cherub/angel. Jesus knew this and said  “In fact, neither can they die anymore, for they are like angel, and God’s children by being children of resurrection”  ~ Luke 20: 36; Matthew 22: 29; Mark 12: 25

Remember my students and participants of the Esoteric Workshop, that the teachings I’ve taught and shared to you are just the ‘first stage’ of your spiritual evolution. The awakening of your Kundalini/Sakti/Shekhinah/Sakina/Holy Spirit/Yang Chi/Mukalinda/Secret Fire, the feminine aspect of the Creator  at the base of your spine/coccyx and it’s subsequent divine union/marriage (symbolize as the Lamb’s marriage to his bride, Sakti and Shiva marriage,  Ying and Yang, Solar and Lunar integration)  to the masculine aspect of the Creator at the fontanel/Crown chakra/top of the head will result in the immaculate conception and later birth of an immortal cherub/angel and that is the ‘second stage’ of your spiritual journey.

The Christmas Tree also is an ancient esoteric  traditional symbol of The Tree of Life, encircled usually 7 times with Christmas Lights (symbolize the awakened Serpent Fire and the 7 awakened chakras/ vortices)  and the  twinkling  Star at the summit ( symbolize the awakened Crown chakra at the top of the head). May this meaningful Christmas symbol inspire us to seek and attain  the Christ consciousness/Spiritual Enlightenment on this very lifetime for manifesting much Unconditional Love, Compassion, Peace and Joy. Have a Blessed Christmas to you and to your family :) 

Sunday, November 18, 2012


1. A deep secret; a mystery.
2. often arcana Specialized knowledge or detail that is mysterious to the average person
3. (sometimes plural) a profound secret or mystery known only to initiates
4. (Alchemy) a secret of nature soug
ht by alchemists
5. a secret or mystery; carefully hidden knowledge
6. the secret of life; a great elixir or remedy sought by the alchemists
7. information known only to a special group
8. secrets known only to an initiated minority

ar•ca•num (är-k n m)
n. pl. ar•ca•na (-n ) or ar•ca•nums
[Latin arc num, from neuter of arc nus, secret; see arcane.]

"When you make the two one and make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside and the above like the below, and that you might make the male and the female be one and the same, so that the male might not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye and a hand in place of a hand and a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image - then you will enter [the Kingdom]”

~ Jesus (Gospel of Thomas, Nag Hammadi)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Spiritual Powers of Sages, Prophets, Masters and Avatars

These are some of the paranormal spiritual powers manifested by sages, prophets, masters, avatars, and saviors. It is also known that gods and goddesses, sons of Light, sons of Darkness, saints, siddhas, healers, psychics, mystics, white and black magicians, warlocks, sorcerers and witches all over the world (regardless of country, skin color, religion, culture and esoteric tradition) could also do these powerful things too in a lesser or greater extent. These paranormal phenomena “miracles” could be very disturbing and terrifying to an average humans. The source of this spiritual power is the Secret of Secrets….the great Arcanum since ancient times

      Prophet Moses' face emits rays - Exodus 34 : 29-35

                                                                   Red Sea split :

                                                  Prophet Moses - Exodus 14 : 15 -31

                                                                     Sage Kapila :

King Sagara performed a horse sacrifice (Ashwamedha yajna) to prove his supremacy. Lord Indra, the leader of the demigods, became fearful over the results of the yajna, so he decided to steal the horse. He left the horse at the ashram of Kapila, who was in deep meditation. King Sagar’s 60,000 sons, (born of Queen Sumati), and his son Asamanja (born of Queen Keshini) were then sent t
o find the horse. When the 60,000 sons found the horse at Kapiladeva’s ashram, they thought he had stolen it. When they prepared to attack the meditating rishi (sage), Kapila opened his eyes. Because the sons of King Sagara had disrespected such a great personality, consequently, fire emanated from their own bodies, and they were immediately burned to ashes. 

Source :

The destruction of two cities - Sodom and Gomorrah :

Prophet Abraham got up early in the morning and went to the place where he had stood before the Lord. He looked out toward Sodom and Gomorrah and all the land of that region. As he did so, he saw the smoke rising up from the land like smoke from a furnace.

So when God destroyed the cities of the region, God honored Abraham’s request. He removed Lot from the midst of the destruction when he destroyed the cities Lot had lived in. - Genesis 19 : 27-29

                              Deluge, water covered the mountains :

                                       Prophet Noah - Genesis 7: 1-24

                      The Buddha levitating to Sri Lanka, alighting atop Adam's Peak (Sri Pada)

                                                        -  Lankavatara Sutra

                                                Avatar Krishna lifts Govardhana Hill

                                                   - Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata

                  Prophet/Son of God Jesus rebuke the storm

                                                               -  Mark 4 : 35 -41
                                                                  ,Matthew 8: 23-27
                                                                  ,Luke 8 : 22- 25